Results for 'Ivana Tutić Grokša'

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  1.  3
    Students’ attitudes toward euthanasia and abortion: a cross-cultural study in three Mediterranean countries.Ivana Tutić Grokša, Ana Depope, Tijana Trako Poljak, Igor Eterović, Toni Buterin, Robert Doričić, Mariana Gensabella, Maria Laura Giacobello, Josip Guć, Eleni Kalokairinou, Željko Kaluđerović, Iva Rinčić, Ivana Zagorac, Miltiadis Vantsos & Amir Muzur - 2025 - BMC Medical Ethics 26 (1):1-13.
    Abortion and euthanasia are still one of the greatest bioethical challenges. Previous studies have shown that there are differences in attitudes towards these issues depending on socio-demographic characteristics and socio-cultural environment (country of residence). As part of the scientific research project EuroBioMed, we compared the attitudes of students from three Mediterranean countries towards abortion and euthanasia and examined them from the perspective of Mediterranean bioethics. A pen-to-paper survey was conducted on a convenient sample of students (N = 1097) from five (...)
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    The Epistemological Significance of the Theory of Social Representations.Ivana Marková - 2008 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 38 (4):461-487.
    The theory of social representations must be understood in terms of its proper epistemology so that it can accomplish its full potential in social sciences. This is often difficult to achieve because researchers comprehend it in terms of concepts that are part of static and individualistic Newtonian epistemology rather than in terms of dynamic and relational Einsteinian epistemology. This article considers three signposts that Moscovici identifies and analyses in the theory of relativity, namely the relation between epistemology and science, theory (...)
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    Citizenship Status, Warm Glow, and Prosocial Behavior: A Quasi-Experiment on Giving Behavior by Host-Country Citizens and Asylum Seekers.Andreas Tutić & Ulf Liebe - 2018 - Analyse & Kritik 40 (1):161-184.
    This paper is concerned with the question of whether and how social class and status affect prosocial behavior among status groups.We conducted dictator games in which both host-country citizens as well as asylum seekers make monetary donations towards their respective in- and out-groups. As a novelty, we varied the number of recipients in the dictator game. Our results indicate that host-country citizens donate significantly more than asylum seekers and that asylum seekers receive significantly higher donations than host-country citizens. Donations vary (...)
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    Class-based differences in moral judgment: A bayesian approach.Andreas Tutić - 2024 - Theory and Society 53 (6):1441-1472.
    This study employs Bayesian inference to explore class-based differences in moral judgment. Based on the dual-process perspective in interdisciplinary action theory, we estimate in a first step a process model which differentiates parametrically between emotionally driven deontological, deliberatively driven utilitarian, and residual judgmental inclinations. In a second step, our estimates of these parameters are correlated via beta regressions with indicators of social class and thinking dispositions. We find a considerable association between social class, specifically income, and deontological inclinations, whereas consequentialist (...)
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    Tainovo pojetí vědy.Ivana Holzbachová - 2013 - Studia Philosophica 60 (2):43-62.
    Ačkoli je Taine znám především jako estetik a historik umění i politiky, zabývá se autorka spíš metodologickým předpokladem Tainova díla, a to jeho pojetím vědy. Ukazuje, že v Tainově díle nacházíme Hegelův vliv, který se však silně mísí s odlesky Comtových názorů, i když v oblasti ontologické lze spatřovat podobnost i s E. Machem. Taine chtěl aplikovat na duchovní vědy metody věd přírodních, i když si byl vědom zásadního rozdílu – nekvantifikovatelnosti v duchovních vědách. Podobnost spočívala ve snaze vysvětlit duchovní (...)
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  6. Giuseppe Bentivegna, Francesco Coniglione e Giancarlo Magnano San Lio (a cura di), Il positivismo italiano: una questione chiusa?Ivana Randazzo - 2010 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 65 (1):200.
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    Everyday life in Serbia in the 1990's: Permanence and change.Ivana A. Spasić - 1996 - Filozofija I Društvo 1996 (9):193-202.
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    Experiments on bilateral bargaining in markets.Andreas Tutic, Stefan Pfau & André Casajus - 2011 - Theory and Decision 70 (4):529-546.
    We present experimental data on a simple market game. Several solution concepts from cooperative game theory are applied to predict the observed payoff distributions. Notably, a recently introduced solution concept meant to capture the influence of outside options on the payoff distribution within groups fares better than most other solution concepts under consideration. Our results shed some light on the effects of scarcity relations on markets on bargaining outcomes within negotiating dyads.
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    Work Engagement in Serbia: Psychometric Properties of the Serbian Version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale.Ivana B. Petrović, Milica Vukelić & Svetlana Čizmić - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Deliberative democracy - theory and practice: The case of the Belgrade citizens’ assembly.Ivana Jankovic - 2022 - Filozofija I Društvo 33 (1):26-49.
    In this paper, we examine whether it is possible to improve democracy by encouraging ordinary citizens to participate in political decision-making and if participation in deliberative institutions can make citizens more competent decision-makers. By using qualitative data, we analyze the discussion from the Belgrade citizens? assembly focused on the topic of expanding the pedestrian zone in the city center. The CA was organized in Serbia for the first time, as part of a research project aimed at promoting and advancing innovative (...)
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    Towards an epistemology of social representations.Ivana Marková - 1996 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 26 (2):177–196.
  12.  62
    The Ethnographic Method in CSR Research: The Role and Importance of Methodological Fit.Ivana Milosevic & A. Erin Bass - 2018 - Business and Society 57 (1):174-215.
    Corporate social responsibility research has burgeoned in the past several decades. Despite significant advances, our review of the literature reveals a problematic gap: We know little about how culture, practices, and interactions shape CSR. On further investigation, we discover that limited research utilizes ethnography to understand CSR, which may provide some explanation for this gap. Thus, the purpose of this article is to illustrate the utility of ethnography for advancing business and society research via a multistage framework that demonstrates how (...)
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  13. Persuasion and Social Psychology.Ivana Marková - 2008 - Diogenes 55 (1):5-8.
    This editor’s introduction to the issue recalls the main methodological approaches to persuasion, rhetoric and propaganda in social psychology. It summarizes the classical theories issued from Hovland’s Yale Communication Program in experimental social psychology, like dissonance, attitude changes, inoculation approach, elaboration likelihood model. Yet there are, today, competing perspectives on persuasion, which turn attention to the meaning of persuasion in modern complex societies, in technology and the media. These perspectives place emphasis not on changes of attitudes, but on communication, social (...)
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    Recenzija: Wu Xiaoming: Filozofija i Zhexue.Ivana Buljan - 2008 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (4):986-990.
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    Platón, Timeo, edición bilingüe–notas a la traducción y anexos de Luc Brisson.Ivana Costa - 2011 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 5 (2):1 - 17.
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    Od projekcije ljudskih organa do projekcije umjetnog čovjeka.Ivana Greguric & Ivo Džinić - 2022 - Disputatio Philosophica 23 (1):77-88.
    U članku se na temelju teze njemačkoga teoretičara i pionira filozofije tehnike, Ernsta Kappa, o projekciji organa prilikom početnoga stvaranja oruđa, nastoji pokazati kako ta teza ima svoje implikacije još i danas, posebice u pogledu njezine reverzibilnosti. Naime, kada Kapp tvrdi da su sva oruđa nastala tako što je čovjek promatrao svoje organe i njihovu funkcionalnost, a da je među svim organima napose ruka oruđe svih oruđa, onda isto tako valja ustvrditi kako se je danas od projekcije organa prispjelo tome (...)
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    Příspěvky k dějinám francouzské filozofie společnosti.Ivana Holzbachová - 2011 - Brno: Masarykova univerzita.
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    Coding Elementary Contributions to Dialogue: Individual Acts versus Dialogical Interactions.Ivana Marková & Per Linell - 1996 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 26 (4):353-373.
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    Phenomena of awareness in dementia: Heterogeneity and its implications.Ivana S. Marková, Linda Clare, Christopher J. Whitaker, Ilona Roth, Sharon M. Nelis, Anthony Martyr, Judith L. Roberts, Robert T. Woods & Robin Morris - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 25:17-26.
    Despite much research on the relationship between awareness and dementia little can be concluded concerning their relationship and the role of other factors. It is likely that studies capture different phenomena of awareness. This study aimed at identifying and delineating such variation by analysing data from three questionnaires obtained during the longitudinal study of awareness in 101 people with early-stage dementia. The data concerned awareness in relation to memory, activities of daily living and socio-emotional function. Significant differences in patterns of (...)
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    Regards cognitifs, expérimentaux et appliqués.Ivana Marková - 2005 - Hermes 41:65.
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  21. The development of self-consciousness: Baldwin, Mead, and vygotsky.Ivana Markova - 1990 - In James E. Faulconer & R. Williams (eds.), Reconsidering Psychology. Duquesne University Press.
  22.  4
    Media Reporting of Environmental Supply Chain Sustainability Risks: Contextual and Moderating Factors.Ivana Mateska, Stephan M. Wagner & Laura Stienen - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-24.
    Ethical and sustainable business practices in global supply chains have become a major concern for firms. Media stakeholders hold firms accountable for the environmentally unethical behavior of their suppliers. Based on agenda-setting theory and stakeholder theory, this study presents a model that shows how various internal and external factors explain media reporting of environmental supply chain sustainability risks. It also examines the role of firms’ risk avoidance practices. The study uses regression analysis of secondary data from 541 buying firms. The (...)
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  23. Calm Block Here Fallen..Ivana Momcilovic - 2009 - Filozofski Vestnik 30 (3):47 - +.
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    From Artemis to Diana: The Goddess of Man and Beast (review).Ivana Petrovic - 2011 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 105 (1):154-155.
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    Biografia e ricostruzione storica nel Wilhelm von Humboldt di Dilthey.Ivana Randazzo - 2007 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 20:549-556.
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    A disarticulated everyday: Afterthoughts on the subproject'Everyday life in Serbia in the nineties'.Ivana A. Spasić - 1999 - Filozofija I Društvo 1999 (16):61-61.
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    Current problems of legal theory and comparative law.Ivana Tucak (ed.) - 2017 - Osijek: Faculty of Law, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek.
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    Filozofija slobodnog vremena i sporta. Uz temu.Ivana Zagorac - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (2):243-244.
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    Hume's Humanity and the Protection of the Vulnerable.Ivana Zagorac - 2015 - Diametros 44:189-203.
    It is well known that Hume excluded inferior rational beings, who are incapable of resistance and weak resentment, from his concept of justice. This resulted in a critique of Hume’s theory of justice, as it would not protect those who were the most vulnerable against ill treatment. The typical answer to this critique is that Hume excluded inferior rational beings from the concept of justice, but not from that of morality, and that he considered their protection to be the task (...)
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  30. Igra kao cjeloživotna aktivnost.Ivana Zagorac - 2006 - Metodicki Ogledi 13 (1):69-80.
    Igra kao sveprisutna aktivnost ispod površine krije izrazitu kompleksnost i nedohvatnost. Definicije se uglavnom iscrpljuju u tumačenjima svrhovitosti i uporabnosti igre i subjeka igre za ostvarenje određenih ciljeva. Nesumnjiva važnost igre svoje mjesto pronalazi u mnogim razmišljanjima o čovjeku, no iz pokušaja definiranja izlazi kao zatvoreni sistem koji svoju važnost gubi odrastanjem. Ovim radom nastojat će se dotaknuti pitanja bitnih odrednica igre s posebnim osvrtom na tendenciju ograničavanja igre na aktivnost primjenjenu djetinjstvu. U pokušaju prikaza konstitutivnih elemenata igre potražit će (...)
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  31. Simpozij »Bioetika – II. filozofski simpozij«.Ivana Zagorac - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (4):848-848.
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    (1 other version)The Body and Technology.Ivana Zagorac - 2008 - Bioethics and New Epoch 46 (2):283-295.
    The differences between the image of top athletes in history and those today could meet at the intersection between cyborg theory and sport studies. The reconceptualisation of athletes could at first be viewed as a shift from the “natural” to the “artificial”. Throughout history top athletes have always been considered to be somehow unnatural, and have always been celebrated as heroes who have overcome the boundaries of their natural bodies. Today’s sports events have been attracting more viewers than ever before, (...)
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    Body Image and Sociocultural Predictors of Body Image Dissatisfaction in Croatian and Chinese Women.Ivana Stojcic, Xiawei Dong & Xiaopeng Ren - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    A Spiking Neuron Model of Word Associations for the Remote Associates Test.Ivana Kajić, Jan Gosmann, Terrence C. Stewart, Thomas Wennekers & Chris Eliasmith - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  35. A língua brasileira e os sentidos de nacionalidade e mestiçagem no Império do Brasil.Ivana Stolze Lima - 2003 - Topoi 4 (7):334-356.
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    Do Islanders Have a More Reactive Behavioral Immune System? Social Cognitions and Preferred Interpersonal Distances During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Ivana Hromatko, Andrea Grus & Gabrijela Kolđeraj - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Insular populations have traditionally drawn a lot of attention from epidemiologists as they provide important insights regarding transmission of infectious diseases and propagation of epidemics. There are numerous historical instances where isolated populations showed high morbidity once a new virus entered the population. Building upon that and recent findings that the activation of the behavioral immune system depends both upon one’s vulnerability and environmental context, we predicted that, during the COVID-19 pandemic, place of residence explains a significant proportion of variance (...)
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    Health within illness: The negativity of vulnerability revised.Ivana Zagorac & Barbara Stamenković Tadić - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (2):207-217.
    This paper attempts to philosophically articulate empirical evidence on the positive effects of illness within the wider context of a discussion of the positive aspects of vulnerability. The conventional understanding holds that to be vulnerable is to be open to harms and wrongs; it is to be fragile, defenseless, and of compromised autonomy. In this paper, we challenge the assumption that vulnerability consists of nothing but powerlessness and dependence on others. This paper attempts to: (1) outline the theoretical conceptualisation of (...)
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  38. The Chunqiu Fanlu 春秋繁露: Research on the Text and its First Complete Western (English) Translation.Ivana Buljan - 2020 - Asian and African Studies 29 (1):1-25.
    Although the Chunqiu fanlu traditionally ascribed to Han dynasty scholar Dong Zhongshu (c. 195 − 115 BCE) is considered to be an extremely important book for the development of Chinese ethical and philosophical thought, it has been long neglected and has lacked proper non-Chinese scholarly attention. Up to the 2016 translation by Sarah A. Queen and John S. Major, only partial translations of the Chunqiu fanlu had been published in English. Part of the reason for the neglect of the study (...)
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    Indian Philosophy, Indian Revolution: On Caste and Politics.Ivana Perica - forthcoming - Contemporary Political Theory:1-4.
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  40. “Bao wei quan” 保位權, Chapter 20 of the Chunqiu fanlu 春秋繁露.Ivana Buljan - 2016 - Monumenta Serica 64 (1):73-100.
    This work provides an annotated translation, together with a brief commentary, of the “Bao Wei Quan” chapter, the 20th chapter of the Chunqiu fanlu. The Chunqiu fanlu is an important Chinese Confucian text. It is ascribed to a pivotal Former Han (206 BCE – 9 CE) scholar, an exegete of the Gongyang zhuan 公羊傳, Dong Zhongshu 董仲舒 (ca. 195–115 BCE). This text offered to readers an ideal of rulership that remained highly relevant to the development of the ethical and political (...)
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    Themata in science and in common sense.Ivana Marková - 2017 - Kairos 19 (1):68-92.
    Human thinking is heterogeneous, and among its different forms, thinking in dyadic oppositions is associated with the concept of themata. Gerald Holton characterises themata as elements that lie beneath the structure and development of physical theories as well as of non-scientific thinking. Themata have different uses, such as a thematic concept, or a thematic component of the concept; a methodological (or epistemological) thema; and a propositional thema. Serge Moscovici has placed the concept of themata in the heart of his theory (...)
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  42. Political Strategies for Maintaining Power: Power and Nature in Chapter 20 of the Chunqiu fanlu.Ivana Buljan - 2019 - Asian Philosophy 29 (4):289-305.
    'Bao wei quan' 保位權 (‘Preservation of position and power’) (hereinafter: BWQ) is an essay advising rulers on how to preserve their position of power and maintain control over the bureaucracy. It is a part of one of the most authoritative premodern Chinese texts, the Chunqiu fanlu 春秋繁露 (The Luxuriant Dew of the Spring and Autumn Annals), which is traditionally ascribed to pivotal Han dynasty scholar Dong Zhongshu 董仲舒 (c. 195–115 BCE). This paper argues that the BWQ establishes a type of (...)
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    On the Accumulation of Goodness: The System of Evaluating State Officials (kaoji) in Chapter 21 of the Chunqiu fanlu (Luxuriant Dew of the Spring and Autumn Annals) 積善累德——《春秋繁露》第21章官員「考績」制度研究.Ivana Buljan - 2024 - Monumenta Serica 72 (2).
    Throughout the Chinese imperial period, the kaoji (examination of merit) system was used to evaluate bureaucratic officials’ successes and failures. Officials who served commendably were promoted while those who served discreditably were demoted on its basis. In this article, I focus on the kaoji system as described in the “Kao gong ming” (Examining Achievement and Reputation) chapter of the Chunqiu fanlu, an authoritative pre-modern Chinese ethical-political text. I attempt to reconstruct the system and analyze the main features of the underlying (...)
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    The dialogical mind: common sense and ethics.Ivana Marková - 2016 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    Dialogue has become a central theoretical concept in human and social sciences as well as in professions such as education, health, and psychotherapy. This 'dialogical turn' emphasises the importance of social relations and interaction to our behaviour and how we make sense of the world; hence the dialogical mind is the mind in interaction with others - with individuals, groups, institutions, and cultures in historical perspectives. Through a combination of rigorous theoretical work and empirical investigation, Marková presents an ethics of (...)
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    Geo-heliocentric models and the Society of Jesus: from Clavius’s resistance to Dechales’s Mathesis Regia.Ivana Gambaro - 2021 - Annals of Science 78 (3):265-294.
    ABSTRACT In 1588 Tycho Brahe proposed a new cosmological system keeping a motionless Earth at the centre of the world. In the first half of the following century the reception of Tycho’s model within the Society of Jesus was characterized by a strong resistance at the beginning, followed by a long and winding path, and then a good fortune, whereas heliocentric models were increasingly investigated in European observatories. In 1651 a Jesuit astronomer, Giovan Battista Riccioli, published the Almagestum novum, an (...)
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  46. Fenomenologia open-air.Ivana Bianchi - 2003 - Rivista di Estetica 43 (24):27-32.
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  47. Seeing (and viewing) in the mirror.Ivana Bianchi - 2011 - Rivista di Estetica 48:37-54.
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    Recenzije I prikazi.Ivana Greguric, Željko Senković, Marijan Krivak, Snježan Hasnaš, Leon Parabić, Petra Jurlina, Joško Žanić & Jadran Zalokar - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (4):1019-1039.
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    6. Krieg, Religion und Frauen auf der Insel Utopia: Analyse des zweiten Teiles des zweiten Buches der Utopia von Thomas Morus.Ivana Skuhala Karasman & Luka Boršić - 2016 - In Otfried Höffe (ed.), Politische Utopien der Neuzeit: Thomas Morus, Tommaso Campanella, Francis Bacon. De Gruyter. pp. 93-108.
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    A pomba-gira cigana no candomblé do sertão: subversões e peculiaridades em Maracás, Bahia.Ivana Karoline Novaes Machado & Itamar Pereira De Aguiar - 2017 - Odeere 2 (3).
    O presente artigo tem por objetivo descrever a representação simbólica da Pomba-gira Cigana de um terreiro de Umbanda na cidade de Maracás. As relações que os ciganos estabeleceram nos sertões da Bahia influenciaram o imaginário de sua população, contribuindo na construção de ritos incorporados pela religiosidade de matriz africana naquela cidade. Além disso, gerou correspondências simbólicas com mitos de origem africana, como os de Oxum, Iansã e Exu. Isso ajudou a compor o arquétipo peculiar desta Pomba-gira, na casa de Pai (...)
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